Mission Statement

The mission of the Pennsbury High School football program is to field a team that excels on the field, achieves in the classroom, and positively impacts our school and community. Every athlete in our program will be treated with respect and dignity as we strive to reach our potential as a team and as individuals. We will always play the game with class, within the rules, and with great intensity. Our program and football community will always appreciate and value diversity so that each individual experiences a safe environment that allows each student-athlete to acquire the knowledge, the work ethic, and communication skills necessary to become responsible and productive members of society.

Program Goals

Excel on the playing field, in the classroom, and in the community. Emphasis composure, sportsmanship and accountability-putting the team first. Transform each student/athlete into the best person they can be.

Develop a family atmosphere within the program.

Build a sense of pride for the football program within the administration, faculty, and student body. Give back through community outreach projects and youth camps.

Teach the game of football while emphasizing life lessons. Compete for a State Championship every season.

“Losers assemble in small groups & complain, winners assemble as a team & find ways to win.” - Bill Parcells

“Do your Job!” - Bill Belichick


Hazing of any teammate or student by any Pennsbury High School Football player will not be tolerated. Any player suspected of involvement will be referred to the Administration for an investigation in accordance with the law and policies set forth by the Pennsbury School District Board of Education. Any player found guilty of hazing will be removed from all activities involving Pennsbury High School Football. If the student of the alleged incident is cleared of wrongdoing, the suspension shall be lifted, and the student will be allowed to return to the team.


Do the work teachers assign and do it on time. Do the best quality work possible. Don’t wait until the last minute—it’s easier to keep up than to catch up.

Treat teachers with respect. If you work with your teachers, they will work with you. Most teachers respect the commitment you make to football.

Plan your day so you can get your assignments done. You may have to give up something else. You chose to play football because you wanted to. Choose to do your schoolwork because you want to. Do not make excuses.

Never use football as an excuse for not doing your schoolwork. This is not acceptable.

Parents/Guardians should help their players set definite times for doing homework and studying for tests throughout the year, not just during the season.

If you need help in a course, ask the teacher in a polite way. They will usually help. Also, ask your coaches.

We will check to see how you are doing in the classroom, both in terms of academics and behavior. Any problems will be addressed. We expect our players to be positive leaders and good examples for others in the school.

Remember, if you don’t meet academic eligibility requirements, you can’t play. We’ll help you get whatever help you need to keep up and be successful in class—but we won’t do it for you or arrange for you to get something you don’t earn.


All athletes must register on Family ID located on the Pennsbury School District Athletic website. Players must be examined by a physician and must be medically cleared to participate in the sport by the dates listed. Players will not be eligible to receive equipment and participate unless registered on Family I.D. and have met all PIAA and physical form requirements


Outfitting our players is a substantial cost to the program. Equipment costs continue to increase and in fact, just ONE football helmet currently costs $350. It is the personal responsibility of the player, and ultimately the parents or guardian to safeguard and maintain all equipment issued. All players will be issued the appropriate football equipment required to participate, with the exception of Cleats & Girdle. Uniforms, both practice, and game, are supplied for the sole purpose of football participation. Equipment is not to be used for any other purpose. Practice clothing is to be worn at all practices and should be washed AT LEAST once per week. Players will be issued a locker and are expected to store their equipment in that locker and to lock it when unattended. Sharing of lockers is strictly prohibited. All players will need to provide their own COMBINATION LOCK!

Uniform Washing Suggestions: - As a general rule of thumb wash using cold water with NO BLEACH. - Hang dry rather than use the dryer.

ALL equipment is to be turned in by the player to his coach when called for, and no later than three (3) days after the conclusion of the season.

It will be the student’s responsibility to see that CLEANED equipment is checked off by the coach upon its return.

Equipment not handled this way will be deemed lost or stolen, and the student and family will be charged for the replacement value. Diplomas, grades and/or transcripts can be withheld until these conditions are met.


Safety is of primary concern in locker rooms. The following rules shall be observed:

No horseplay (hitting, wrestling, throwing items, popping towels, etc.)

Maintain school equipment as directed by coaches.

Keep all school equipment and personal belongings locked in the locker at all times.

Keep school facilities clean and help ensure their continued good maintenance.

Juniors will clean the locker room and put chairs away after practice


All successful Football Programs are built in the off-season. Weightlifting and Conditioning are necessary requirements for all Football players. If a player plays another sport, they are excused from all off-season activities but are encouraged to find the time to participate in the team skilled/spring workouts. A calendar with the times and locations of each scheduled activity will be communicated.


We are a six-day a week program beginning in August - holidays included. All players are expected to be at practice daily. If a player has a conflict with attending practice, he/she must contact Coach Sannelli and explain the situation via text or email, 24 hours or more in advance. Doctors and/or dentists’ appointments are expected to be made around the football schedule for practices and games whenever possible.


Arrive at all football activities and school (including all classes) on time. (We will adhere to the Lombardi Rule during football activities: if practice starts at 8:00 am, you should be on the field ready to go at 7:45 am). Unexcused lateness may remove you from the team. Sophomores are required to “dress” the field prior to any Pennsbury Football Practice


You are expected to be at all football activities unless excused. If a player isn’t at school, he cannot practice or play that day. The following are the only approved exceptions to miss practice:

Excused School absence

Funeral, Court, Family Emergencies, Religious Activities

SATs and school-related academic events.

Unexcused absences will be dealt with in the same way as unexcused lateness and may result in your removal from the team. Remember: If you miss practice, the team must prepare without you, so you may drop on the depth chart and you could possibly lose playing time. You will have to earn your spot back in the remaining days before the next contest.


If a player is absent from school, he is not allowed to practice. If a player is absent from practice once during the week, that player will not be eligible to play in that week’s game, unless medically excused by a doctor and a doctor’s note. If a player is sent home from school, for medical reasons, he is not allowed to practice, but is excused and will not need a doctor’s note for that absence.


All players must be in school on the day of the game to be eligible to play in that game. If we are traveling to an opponent’s field, all players must travel by team bus. No players will be allowed to travel to and from the game with their parents or friends.


The varsity dress list will be posted on the Thursday prior to the game. Players selected to dress will be done so at the Head coaches’ discretion.


The following five points will be the criteria used in selecting starters and developing depth charts (ordering of positions).

Knowledge of Assignment: We cannot and will not play people who do not know their assignments.

Hustle and Effort:


Contribution to the Overall Team: Football is one of the few absolute team sports left. The individual, who motivates teammates to do better, is always enthusiastic and ready, will make a greater contribution than one who does not possess this quality.

Talent: If the above four characteristics are equal, then the players who has the most talent, and makes the most plays, will start. Obviously, if a player is injured or misses a practice it will be difficult for us to evaluate them. Above all, we will give EVERY player the opportunity to earn a position on the varsity team. It is our desire to play the BEST players and as many people as possible


Theft of any personal property of another player or property of Pennsbury High School will not be tolerated! Any player who is found to be guilty of theft will be dealt with at that time. Repercussions may include suspension or expulsion from all team activities.


The Pennsbury Football Program will follow the policy that is issued by the Pennsbury Board of Education. The use of or possession of illegal substances will not be tolerated. Repercussions may include suspension or expulsion from all team activities.


Each athlete needs to be aware of the dangers of social media. Anything an athlete posts on the Internet is accessible to everyone and inappropriate content may result in numerous consequences, including removal from the team.


The PHS coaching staff in conjunction with the PHS football parent club will make every attempt to keep our players and their parents/guardians up to date on football program issues and events. We have two ways of communicating with parents and players. They are our website and Remind.

Please be sure that your contact information is updated on the player contact information card

Please refer to the website regularly.

Significant information is available including game schedules, rosters, meetings, training schedules etc.

The web address is

Follow us on Twitter @pennsburyfb if you would like updates, PHS Football messages, game scores and highlights.


The coaching staff has the authority over who becomes a participant of the team and when the participant plays or is removed from the team. The coaching staff determines the coaching strategy. Acceptance of a position on the team includes acceptance of this policy. Therefore, these issues are not appropriate topics for parent involvement and discussions with coaches is discouraged. It is NEVER acceptable for a parent to attempt to discuss playing time with a coach during a game or practice. It is also NEVER acceptable for a parent to attempt to discuss the performance or playing time of another participant.

Head Coach, athlete, and/or parent meetings may help to resolve OTHER issues creating concern or dissatisfaction. Such meetings MUST be scheduled beforehand and will be on campus. Any meeting with a parent may also include an assistant coach, trainer, or an administrator.

Meetings can be scheduled by contacting Coach McShane through email. Contact should not be made to an assistant coach as they will simply point you toward contacting Coach McShane. If a meeting is requested it should be done through Coach McShane only.

During the season parents WILL NOT discuss player concerns (other than injuries) within the time period 24 hours before a game to 24 hours after a game. A parent may send an email but a response should not be expected within this time period.


The head coach has the authority to rule and apply consequences for any other items regarding player conduct not covered in this Players Code of Conduct as long as it is fair and consistent with the established guidelines covered in these policies and procedures.


Coach McShane – (267) 979-4617 Email:

Coach Bell - Email: Bell4577@


I Parent/Guardian have read the Pennsbury Football Player & Parent Code of Conduct Handbook. By signing below, we acknowledge that we understand its contents and agree to the terms of the handbook. We understand the guidelines for attendance, punctuality, playing time, etc. We will do our best to work together to provide a positive experience. We are aware of the commitment it takes to be a part of the Pennsbury Football Program and are aware that all decisions that are made are for the betterment of the TEAM.

It is a privilege to play football at Pennsbury High School, NOT a right!